About Wolf Moon Eduardo

Finding an experienced tarot reader with whom you can place your trust is like trying to find the best tour guide to lead you through an unknown territory. In these uncertain times we live in, having Wolf Moon Eduardo as a guide will definitely help you through the journey. 
Wolf Moon Eduardo began his own journey with the tarot many years ago. He waited until he felt he had honed his craft before taking the next step professionally. Wolf has read at numerous psychic and metaphysical events for more than 3 decades, and cultivated many clients, most of whom still turn to him for monthly readings and the occasional “spiritual tune-up” 
There is no judgement during a reading with Wolf. He tells you what he sees in the cards and will help you put the pieces together. His personality is straight-forward (He is an Aquarius and will remind you of that if need be), but he provides a safe space throughout the session, and takes the time to answer any questions you have. 

Wolf Moon is known as 

 The “Reader’s Reader”

+30 Years of Experience

“I am a vehicle. The readings are not about me.
I settle in and ride the wave” ~ Wolf 



“A reading with Wolf is like sitting with yourself to hear and see the messages of both the overt and covert parts of us” ~ Jem W.

“Wolf laid out a spread and read it like a map. He discovered a wrong turn I made, that nobody knew about and helped me correct and get back on solid ground” ~ Frederick W.